


  過去他曾擔任國際電子電機工程師協會 (IEEE) 數個國際會議與期刊論文 (T-MTT, T-CAS, Trans. Broadcasting 等) 之審稿委員、國際會議工作小組委員、教育部高速電磁教育推動工作小組委員、民航局航空電子講師、自強工業科學基金會專業講師、台北市捷運局試務命題與口試委員、美商安捷倫科技專業講師等服務性工作。至今他仍持續協助自強基金會開辦電機/資訊專業領域課程,經常與業界工程人員維持專業互動與經驗交流。


  他在學期間,曾於94年與實驗室團隊以「可應用於 DECT, GPRS及CDMA2000 之高效率多模發射機」實作奪得該年度全國大專校院通訊科技競賽研究所組特優獎。他於台北科技大學任教期間,曾於102年帶領學生以「無線智慧鑰匙系統」實作專題獲得該年度教育部技專校院技術研發成果發表記者會優勝獎。

  自94年起,他共表發了十篇國際期刊論文以及近二十篇國際會議論文。在他所主筆的期刊代表性著作中,分別有兩篇為原創性與基礎理論型之研究,自民國98年起迄今已被國內外近五十篇文獻所引用,他的研究成果也被收錄於美國 John Wiley & Sons 所出版的「Microwave Noncontact Motion Sensing and Analysis」一書之中。他執行過包含國科會、教育部、工研院、中科院、飛元科技、科邑科技等橫跨產官學研近二十個計畫案。他擁有兩項中華民國發明專利(證書號:I380604, I388168)與一項美國發明專利(證書號: US8648611)。


  1. 超低直流功率消耗之射頻極座標接收機設計 (國科會 2013-2014)
  2. 發展典範科技大學-數位匯流技術之深耕計畫 (教育部 13-14)
  3. 網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫:電磁課程推廣計畫 (教育部 12-14)
  4. 使用高效率切換式E類注入鎖定振盪器之非接觸式生醫感測架構開發 (國科會 12-13)
  5. 網路通訊重點領域學程計畫 (教育部 11-13)
  6. 採用頻率合成器技術之生醫訊號與射頻頻譜感測電路研製 (國科會 11-12)
  7. 三維高密度系統級構裝之先導型射頻技術研發子計畫二:三維高密度系統級構裝之射頻訊號完整性分析技術 (國科會 08-09)
  8. 高度CMOS積體化之混合正交極座標調制架構線性發射機 (國科會 08-09)
  9. 數位電視廣播調制器升頻電路技術 (科邑 08-09)
  10. 應用於新世代行動通訊之高效率微波線性發射機系統 (國科會 07-08)
  11. 創新之波包追隨式射頻線性發射機技術 (工研院 07)
  12. 功率放大器線性化研究設計 (中科院 07)
  13. 行動數位電視與無線都會區域網路雙模傳接器射頻前端高效率電路設計與研製  (國科會 05-07)
  14. WiMAX 線性化功率放大器Pre-distortion電路研究設計 (中科院 06)
  15. 可多模應用之創新數位輔助射頻發射機 (工研院 06)
  16. 新世代甚寬頻無線通訊系統射頻傳收機架構之研究 (國科會 04-06)
  17. 3G RFIC 開發 - 具有數位調制功能之頻率合成器電路設計技術 (工研院 04)
  18. LTCC 藍芽射頻模組研製與規格測試 (飛元 03)


  • 期刊論文

  1. P.H. Wu, J.K. Jau, C.J. Li, T.S. Horng, and P. Hsu, "Phase- and self-injection-locked radars for detecting vital signs with efficient elimination of DC offsets and null points," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 685-695, Jan. 2013. (SCI)
  2. C.T. Chen, T.S. Horng, K.C. Peng, and C.J. Li, "High gain and high efficiency EER/Polar transmitters using injection-locked oscillators," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 4117-4128, Dec. 2012. (SCI)
  3. C.T. Chen, C.H. Hsiao, T.S. Horng, K.C. Peng, and C. J. Li, “Cognitive polar receiver using two injection-locked oscillator stages,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3484–3493, Dec. 2011. (SCI)
  4. C.H. Hsiao, C.J. Li, F.K. Wang, T.S. Horng, and K.C. Peng, “Analysis and improvement of direct-conversion transmitter pulling effects in constant envelope modulation systems,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 4137–4146, Dec. 2010. (SCI)
  5. F.K. Wang, C.J. Li, C.H. Hsiao, T.S. Horng, J. Lin, K.C. Peng, J.K. Jau, J.Y. Li, and C.C. Chen, “A novel vital sign sensor based on a self-injection-locked oscillator, “ IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 4112–4120, Dec. 2010. (SCI)
  6. C.-J. Li, C.-H. Hsiao, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “A rigorous analysis of a phase-locked oscillator under injection,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 58, pp. 1391–1400, May 2010. (SCI)
  7. C.-J. Li, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “A novel RF sensing circuit using injection locking and frequency demodulation for cognitive radio applications,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3143–3152, Dec. 2009. (SCI)
  8. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, and J.-Y. Li, “Design and linearization of class-E power amplifier for non-constant envelope modulation,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 957–964, Apr. 2009. (SCI)
  9. C.-J. Li, C.-T. Chen, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, and D.-S. Deng, “HQPM-based transmitter with digital predistorter for simultaneous enhancement of ACPR and PAE,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 801–812, Dec. 2008. (SCI)
  10. C.-J. Li, C.-T. Chen, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, and J.-Y. Li, “High average-efficiency multimode RF transmitter using a hybrid quadrature polar modulator,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 249–253, Mar. 2008. (SCI)
  11. K.-C. Peng, C.-H. Huang, C.-J. Li, and T.-S. Horng, “High-performance frequency-hopping transmitters using two-point delta-sigma modulation,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 2529–2535, Nov. 2004. (SCI)

  • 會議論文

  1. C.-T. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng, K.-C. Peng, and C.-J. Li, “Kahn envelope elimination and restoration technique using injection-locked oscillators,” in 2012 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., pp. WEPG-16:1-3, Jun. 2012. (EI)
  2. P.-H. Wu, J.-K. Jau, C.-J. Li, T.-S Horng, and P. Hsu, “Vital-sign detection doppler radar based on phase locked self-injection oscillator,” in 2012 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., pp. THPN-4:1-3, Jun. 2012. (EI)
  3. C.-H. Hsiao, C.-J. Li, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “Study of direct-conversion transmitter pulling effects in constant envelope modulation systems,” in 2010 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., pp. 1174–1177. (EI)
  4. F.-K. Wang, C.-J. Li, C.-H, T.-S. Horng, J. Lin, K.-C. Peng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, and C.-C. Cheng, “An injection-locked detector for concurrent spectrum and vital sign sensing,” in 2010 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., pp. 768–771. (EI)
  5. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, and J.-Y. Li, “High efficiency dual-mode RF transmitter using envelope-tracking dual-band Class-E power amplifier for W-CDMA/WiMAX systems,” in 2009 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., pp. 417–420. (EI)
  6. C.-J. Li, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng and K.-C. Peng, “An RF sensing circuit using injection locking and frequency demodulation for potential cognitive radio applications,” in 2009 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., pp. 1165–1168. (EI)
  7. C.-J. Li, C.-H. Hsiao, F.-K. Wang, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “A rigorous analysis of local oscillator pulling in frequency and discrete-time domain”, in 2009 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Symp. Dig., pp. 409–412. (EI)
  8. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, J.-Y. Du, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, P.-K. Horng, and D.S. Deng, “Baseband digital predistortion techniques for linearizing a 2.6 GHz WiMAX power amplifier,” in National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2008, pp. 837–840.
  9. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, J.-Y. Du, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, P.K. Horng, and D.S. Deng, “Power amplifier linearization using baseband digital predistortion for WiMAX applications,” in 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. Dig., pp. 145–148. (EI)
  10. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, and J.-Y. Li, “Design and linearization of Class-E power amplifier for non-constant envelope modulation,” in 2008 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Symp. Dig., pp. 145–148, June 2008. (EI)
  11. J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J. Deng, and C.-T. Chen, “Design of Class-E power amplifier for hybrid quadrature polar modulation transmitter,” in IEEE Region 10 International Technical Conf., 2007, pp. (SC-O6.4) 1–4. (EI)
  12. C.-T. Chen, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, P.-K. Horng, and D.-S. Deng, “A HQPM-based transmitter with digital predistortion scheme for enhancing average efficiency,” in 18th VLSI Deisgn/CAD Symposium, 2007, pp. (C2-1) 1–4.
  13. C.-J. Li, C.-B. Lo, S.-W. Li, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “Limitation and improvement of a modified precharge phase frequency detector for wireless frequency synthesizer applications,” in 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2007, pp. (C2-2) 1–4.
  14. C.-J. Li, C.-T. Chen, J.-Y. Du, T.-S. Horng, P.-K. Horng and D.-S. Deng, “Baseband digital predistortion techniques for linearizing a 2.6 GHz WiMAX  power amplifier,” in National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2007, pp. 438–441.
  15. C.-J. Li, C.-T. Chen, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, J.-Y. Li, P.-K. Horng and D.-S. Deng, “A HQPM-based transmitter with baseband predistorter for simultaneous enhancement of ACPR and PAE,” in 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. Dig., pp. 145–148. (EI)
  16. C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, J.-K. Jau, and J.-Y. Li, “System design issues in a HQPM-based transmitter,” in 2007 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., pp. 77–80. (EI)
  17. K.-C. Peng, C.-H. Huang, C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, and S.-F. Lee, “Design of a CMOS VCO with two tuning inputs applied for a wideband GFSK-modulated frequency synthesizer,” in 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. Dig., pp. 443–446. (EI)
  18. C.-J. Li, C.-H. Huang, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “Incorporating the single-loop delta-sigma modulator in a fractional-N frequency synthesizer for phase-noise improvement,” in 1st European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conf., 2006, pp. 183–186. (EI)
  19. C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “A wideband modulated frequency synthesizer for enhanced bluetooth applications,” in 2005 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. Dig., pp. 3387–3390. (EI)
  20. C.-J. Li, T.-S. Horng, and K.-C. Peng, “A novel modulated frequency synthesizer for wideband GFSK modulation,” in International Symposium on Communications, 2005, pp. (ps44) 1–4.
  21. T.-S. Horng, C.-H. Huang, F.-Y. Han, and C.-J. Li, “A novel closed-form approach for comparing the Q-factor responses between the asymmetric and symmetric on-chip inductors,” in 2005 IEEE GAAS Sym. Dig., pp. 413–416. (EI)


  1. 具壓控振盪器之射頻感測電路,中華民國發明專利,證書號:I380604
  2. 混合正交極座標調制發射機架構及其使用之數位預失真器電路,中華民國發明專利,證書號:I388168
  3. 無線鎖匙裝置及操作方法,中華民國發明專利,證書號:I480454
  4. RF sensing circuit with a voltage-controlled oscillator,美國發明專利,證書號:US8648611
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